Brussels Fusion Exchange Light

Centre Culturel Fuzuê. Rue Philippe Le Bon 15, - Veure mapa
10/05/2025 13:00
Organitzat per Marcin Wosinek

Compra les teves entrades

Gamblers pass (full pass)

Fins al 16/03/2025
40,00 €
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses.
0,00 €
0,00 €

descripció de l'esdeveniment

Come explore fusion dance at our weekend gathering in Brussels! Dancers from local and neighboring communities will come together to share, create, and connect. Whether you're experienced or just starting out, this is a chance to dance, meet new people, and enjoy the music in a welcoming space.

Sarah Forró will offer a special class on co-leading, developed exclusively for this event. Co-leading is a dance dynamic in which both partners contribute equally to the direction and flow of the dance, blurring the traditional distinction between leader and follower roles. Instead of one dancer guiding and the other following, both partners actively listen to each other, responding to variations in movement and musicality while sharing impulses and energy. This differs from shared leading or switching, where the leadership role alternates between partners, but the distinction between leader and follower remains intact.

In the coming month, we will reveal more details about the event on a weekly basis, including information about other workshops and social dance. Once most of the information is published, Gambler’s Pass sales will end, and we will move on to early bird, regular, and late ticket sales.

Full info: 

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