---GENESIS---- Dark Electronic feat. Lith Li

Undead Dark Club. Violant d'Hongria 128 - Veure mapa
30/11/2024 23:59
Organitzat per Undead Dark Club

Compra les teves entrades

Entrada Anticipada + cubata o dos cervezas

10,31 €
Preu final. Despeses de gestió incloses. Assegurança de no assistència inclosa.
0,00 €
0,00 €

descripció de l'esdeveniment

We strike back with our succesful Dark Electronic parties !

Lith Li says:  

I like to go more for the old and authentic. And this Club has it! Since 1996 (when I was 1 year old ) @undeaddarkclub it's been going through the #nightlife , and it's not going to be less this November 30th where @dj.penumbra resident , and me as a guest, will #awaken the #essence of dance once again in this emblematic location, where figures, cult horror film visuals and eighties lights will revive your #memories of your past lives with this #Genesis edition;

'Where everything starts all over again'!

Poster by @ladymorte
Doors open 00:29 PM - 6:00 AM

Entrada Anticipada + cubata o dos cervezas 10€
Entrada Taquilla 13 € + cubata o dos cervezas

Entradas de venta anticipada a través de Entradium

Undead Dark Club
C/ Violant d’Hongria 128,

¿Cómo llegar?
<M> L1 y L5 Plaça Sants ,
<M> L3 Plaça Centre L3
Renfe: Sants estació

*Acceso solo a mayores de 18 años

Política d'accés

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