Pocket City: Improv Comedy Show • ENG

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 - Veure mapa
Diverses dates -
Organitzat per BIG Improv

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descripció de l'esdeveniment

*This event is in English*

Pocket City is a whimsical improv show that offers a peek into the daily lives of its quirky inhabitants. The audience, akin to a movie camera, follows multiple protagonists through their unpredictable adventures. With engaging scene play and dynamic storytelling, each character's antics provide a new color to the city. The show's unique format keeps viewers engaged as they explore the town alongside its eccentric residents, places, making every bit of a seamlessly normal life a delightful surprise.

Performed by Mice on Bikes: the newest venture by Barcelona improvers Miguel Armero, Pedro Larraya, Ricard Olivé

9.30pm Doors & Bar Open

10.00pm Show Starts


10€ online presale

12€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG!

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