Zabiel kultur etxea. Erdikokale kalea 28 - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by Mutrikuko Udala
Promoter s 95451680 3935574099801194 5698322833193566208 n

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details


Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Mundu guztiak ikusi beharko luke
Aitziber Attended on 18/02/2024
Oso hunkigarria
Pello Andonegi Attended on 18/02/2024
Kantuak iraunen du tinko
Herri baten mina guztiok sentitua. Kantuek laguntzen digute oroitzen eta borrokatzen.
Aitziber Attended on 18/02/2024
ederretan ederra
zoragarria eta hunkigarria izan da
Oihane Attended on 18/02/2024
Lan ederra!
Oso guztora ikusi dut... ikustenda nola gendeak maite ta babestu nahian gure hizkuntza beti danik. Bukaeran areto dena txalotzen
Arantza Attended on 18/02/2024
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