Cañejo de Barbate - Noche Flamenca

Cañejo de Barbate - Noche Flamenca

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Cañejo de Barbate - Noche Flamenca

Cañejo de Barbate - Noche Flamenca

El Pelicano. Av. Alcalde Manuel de la Pinta, 1, 11008 Cádiz. See map

The event has been cancelled.

This event has been cancelled by the promoter because:

Problemas técnicos relacionados con los artistas y/o con la sala

If you have bought a ticket for this event we are proceding with the refunds. We've also sent you an email with all the additional info.


Todos los martes del verano "Noche Flamenca" en la sala El Pelicano de Cádiz.

Recinto - El Pelicano

Dirección - Av. Alcalde Manuel de la Pinta, 1, 11008 Cádiz


Apertura de puertas - 22:00h 

Comienzo concierto - 22:30h 


General Anticipada - 10 € 

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.

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Alejandro Suárez Roa

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