Larreko gela. Xan Ithourria plaza, 64310 SENPERE - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by Herri Urrats elkartea

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details

HITX¡ZETIK URRATSERA Bertso saioa, Herri Urratsen aldeko bertso saio erraldoia. Bertan Euskal Herriko txapelketa Nagusiko 8 bertsolariak oholtza gainean.

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Bikain !
Gexan Attended on 5/03/2023
todo perfecto
Joseba Attended on 5/03/2023
Senpereko saioa
Biziki atsegingarria izan da Iruñako 8 finalistak entzutea, baina tensiorik gabe, presiorik gabe. Momentu goxoak (bai/ez ariketa, Sagardotegiko itzulera...) eta beste bateau seriosagoak (Maialen Siriar.kurdo emazte bat Greziako itsawo ertzetan). Loriatu gira.
Paxkal Attended on 5/03/2023
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