Julia Calatayud en concierto

Café Libertad 8. Calle Libertad 8 - See map
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Brought to you by Julia Calatayud

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Event details

Julia Calatayud en Libertad 8

De espíritu polifacético, comenzó a formalizar su paso por la música a partir de los doce años, desarrollando sus conocimientos con varios instrumentos musicales.  

Actualmente su estilo musical como cantautora es Pop melódico; sus letras forman una historia que hacen que su sonido sea cada vez más personal y definido.  

En los últimos conciertos, Julia Calatayud ha podido disfrutar de la colaboración especial de Ana Cárdenas, Rubén Mariscal, Juanillo, Estefania Sánchez, Mariquilla, Sergio Puerta, Antonio Hinojosa, Fran Fernández, Nefi, Gonzalo Suárez y Uceda. 

Julia puso en funcionamiento una campaña de financiación para su primer proyecto musical en octubre de este año, la cual llegó al objetivo para poder crear su primer EP producido por Jagoba Ormaetxea de Taom Studios.  

En breve se podrá escuchar en las principales plataformas digitales el single de presentación de este proyecto tan deseado, el cual verá la luz a principios de 2020.

Este 8 de febrero podrás disfrutar de Julia Calatayud y su música en Café Libertad 8, ¿Te lo vas a perder?

¡LAS PRIMERAS 10 ENTRADAS ESTÁN POR 5 EUROS! ¡No te quedes sin ellas!

Resto de entradas anticipadas 7 Euros. Puerta 10 Euros


@julia_calatayud Istagram

The first 10 tickets: 5 Euros

Advance Tickets Online: 7 Euros. Entrance tickets at the ticket office: 10 euros

Julia Calatayud was born in Jaén (Andalusia) on December 23th and is the youngest of three siblings.

She began her concerns towards music from an early age, but it was at the age of twelve when she really wanted to have contact with several music instruments. She first started to play the classical guitar and few years later she enrolled in the violin specialty at the music conservatory. During that years, she learned the fundamentals of music such as choir, orchestra or piano. 

Later on, she focused on creating her own songs in which she reflects her personal experiences and her concerns. Her lyrics are part of story that makes her sounds increasingly personal and defined. 

Her debut as a singer songwriter was in 2006 when she was called to play a concert in "Pub La Escuela". That was the first among others musical performances in her hometown (Jaén) that year. Her dream was becoming a reality... 

Her multifaceted approach is shown is all her songs which can be classified in several musical styles, but the one that best describes her music is "melodic pop". 

On 2016, she had the great opportunity to play a concert in Madrid, the capital of Spain and the city of artists. The concert took place at "Sala Maravillas" in Malasaña neighborhood. 

In recent concerts, Julia Calatayud has had the special collaboration of many other artists such as Ana Cárdenas, Rubén Mariscal, "Juanillo", Estefanía Sánchez, "Mariquilla", Sergio Puerta, Antonio Hinojosa, Fran Fernández, "Nefi", Gonzalo Suárez and Uceda.

Last October, Julia launched a crowdfunding campaign to finance for her first musical project (an EP composed of five songs produced by Taom Studios) that will be finalized at the early beginning of 2020.

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.



Una voz maravillosa
Simplemente me encantó. Volveré a verla siempre que pueda.
Carlos Attended on 8/02/2020
Un éxito
La actuación de Julia fue fantástica. Muy variada y demostrando en todo momento su dominio de múltiples registros. Lo pasamos muy bien y la auguramos un exitoso futuro.
F. Javier Nozal Attended on 8/02/2020
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