Nautilus Ikerketa eta Didaktika Gelara doako bisita gidatua

Nautilus Aula didaktikoa. Tenientes Txurruka Etorbidea 32 - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by Mutrikuko Udala
Promoter s 95451680 3935574099801194 5698322833193566208 n

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details

Erreserba egin ondoren edozein arrazoiengatik ezingo bazenu bisitara etorri, mesedez deitu 943 60 33 78 telefonora edo idatzi zure plazak beste norbaitek erabili ahal izateko. 

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Oso interesgarria
Txundituta gelditu nintzen horrelako altxorra bertan ikusita.
Inaxio Manterola Attended on 2/06/2021
Baliotzua benetan.
Gure ingurunea esagutzeko balio izan dit.
Mariano Irigoyen Attended on 2/06/2021
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