Sorotan bele gogoan

Soreasu antzokia. soreasu auzoa - See map
Several dates -

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Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details


Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Sorotan Bele
Edurne Attended on 19/03/2023
Ikaragarrizko kontzertua! Giro paregabea!!
Mirari Badiola Attended on 19/03/2023
Zoragarria benetan
Benetan ederra izan zen, sorotan belekoen emanaldia, Azpeitiko banda ere ikaragarria, Musika eskolako emakumeen ahotsak eta umeen emanaldia, benetan hunkigarria. Lan zoragarria, horrelako gehiago ikusteko gogoz geratu nintzen, musiko desberdinak denak batera, ahotsak... benetan zoragarria.
Alaitz Attended on 19/03/2023
Ikuskizun aparta
Ikuskizun paregabea, denak oso ondo
Inaxio Attended on 19/03/2023
Sorotan bele gogoan
Mundiala bizitako momentua!
Arantzazu Attended on 19/03/2023
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