Suak harrotuz

Kalean. Urrestilla - See map
Several dates -
Brought to you by Azpeitiko Udala

Select your tickets

Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.

Event details

Solztizioa, ohiturak eta emakumeen lana balorean jartzeko ibilbide antzeztua.

Access policy

The promoter has not specified underage access policy. If you have any questions, please contact them directly.


Horrelako gutxi antolatzen dira gure inguruan
Bikaina ni eta 6 urteko alabak ikusi dugu eta biok oso gustura ikusi dugu. Horrelako gehiago antolatzea nahiko genuke
Oiane Attended on 20/06/2021
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