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The Electric Alley es una banda de Rock que nace en Cádiz (España), a finales del año 2012. Comienzan a hacer canciones y a girar ese mismo año presentando su show y debido a la gran acogida de los temas por medios y público local deciden poner en marcha la grabación y producción de su primer disco, “Backward States of Society”. Autoproducido, este LP de 10 temas llega a convertirse en halago de la crónica a nivel nacional (Ruta 66, Radio 3, This Is Rock) y permite a la banda colocar 5 de sus canciones en la productora televisiva MOVISTAR TV en el canal Movistar F1, donde la cabecera del Campeonato Mundial de Fórmula 1 era su single “No Control” A lo largo del tour 2014 pasan por diferentes festivales y certámenes nacionales y consiguen hacerse con el primer premio en 5 de ellos.(Hard Rock Rising – Hard Rock Café Marbella, SubeRock 2014 – Radio 3, Pasión Rock 2014, Certamen de Música de la Universidad de Cádiz, Tocatomelloso 2014).
“A Lonely Sun Story”, un corto de animación nominado a los premios Goya 2015 que cuenta como protagonistas con María Valverde y Mario Casas, proporciona a la banda la oportunidad de escribir por encargo su primer trabajo para la gran pantalla.
“Get Electrified!” es su nuevo álbum de estudio con el que ponen la guinda a un largo 2015 repleto de trabajo, y ha sido autoproducido por la propia banda y grabado por Rafa Camisón (Estudio Setentaynueve). Con éste LP aspiran a llegar a todos los lugares posibles, y de ello se encargará SSM Music, agencia independiente de booking danesa con la que han preparado su primer tour europeo que les lleva por 10 diferentes países en otoño de 2015.
El rock está más vivo que nunca cuando suena “Get Electrified!”, una compilación de 10 temas que evocan la energía y la pasión que todo amante del género busca al pulsar “play”, con influencias desde Led Zeppelin o The Black Crowes a contemporáneos como Rival Sons, Blackberry Smoke o Mr. Big.
The Electric Alley is a Hard Rock band from Cádiz (Spain) in 2012. The band started out writing songs and playing local gigs in their hometown. Due to great demand, and positive reviews in the local press, they decided to record their first album. the stylel of “Backwards states of society” varies from pure hard rock all the way to epic ballads via mid-tempo rock. 10 songs that have been part of the spanish hard rock scene from 2013 and getting excellent album and concerts reviews from the spanish press (Ruta 66, Radio 3, This is Rock). A remarkable achievement in 2014 for the band was to lend “No Control” to MOVISTAR TV for the Formula 1 TV show (as the main program music) along with 5 others songs.
On the band’s last tour, they took their show to the four corners of the country. From small clubs to National Music Festivals and also, winning some National Music Competitions.
The scored the soundtrack for “A Lonely Sun Stoty” a Spanish short animated film with Spanish actors. María Valverde and Mario Casas that has been nominated for the best short film in the Goya Awards in 2015. The soundtrack is a love story that captures the essence of rock ballads with an excellent orchestration, and it’s included in the new album.
Get electrified! is their new studio album which is the crowning achievement of a long 2015, packed with work. The album was self-produced by the band and produced by Rafa Camisón (Estudio Sesentaynueve). With this LP The Electric Alley aspire to reach (audiences) as far as possible, and have contracted with SSM Music, and independent Danish booking agency with whom they have prepared their first European tour which will take them to 10 different countries in the fall of 2015.
Rock is more alive than ever when Get Electrified is playing. A compilation of 10 tracks which evoke the energy and passion that every fan of the genre looks for when they push “play”. The album is influenced by groups from Led Zeppelin and the Black Crowes to comtemporary acts such as Rival Sons, Blackberry Smoke and Mr. Big.
ENTRADAS 12€ + GASTOS / 15 €
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