Poetry is not Dead

Event grid 2. bodeg%c3%b3n club flyers

Camilo Zamora at Bodegón Club

June 26

Bodegón Club, Barcelona

From 6,71 €

Event grid txus molina

Txus Molina at Bodegón Club

June 27

Bodegón Club, Barcelona

From 6,71 €

Event grid misterio de cultura

MISTERIO DE CULTURA at Absenta del Raval

June 29

Absenta del Raval, Barcelona

From 5,17 €

Event grid 29277de8 8800 462e 926d d5ec32957066

Mora Navarro at Bodegón Club

June 30

Bodegón Club, Barcelona

From 12,38 €

Event grid photo 2024 06 08 21 28 50

Franca Giménez & Ale Garcia Leys

July 10

Bodegón Club, Barcelona

From 7,23 €

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