Blues a La Iguana: Sedwick & Shingles

La Iguana - Cultura de proximitat. Rosés 46 - Mapa ikusi
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Som-hi aquest dissabte amb una nova edició de Blues a La Iguana, amb Sedwick and Shingles!!! Vetllada especial per persones balladores i a més a més, amb laclasse i Dj selector Mer i Jordi.  Don’t miss it!!!

20h: Obertura portes

20.15: Classe oberta de blues Jordi I Mer

20.45h: Concert

22.30h: Dj set

24.00h: Fi

James Sedgwick and Brian O’Mahony met at a somewhat debaucherous jam session in

Barcelona in late 2018. They hit it off immediately, sharing a love of American roots music and

began gigging locally.

Originally from Canada, James has lived and worked as a professional musician in many countries

around the world. He is an accomplished vocalist, harmonica player and guitarist, and studied

music at Concordia University, Montreal. He currently resides in Barcelona, Spain.

Brian hails from Ireland but has been living and working as a professional musician in Barcelona,

Spain for the best part of 20 years. He is the front man of the blues band, Mr. Shingles. Brian's

musicianship lies in the folk tradition.

They decided to record an album and wrote a bunch of songs over the course of several months in

2019, finally recording them in a single acoustic session in January of 2020. Sedgwick & Shingles

is a reflection of their love of classic country blues and swing.

The eclectic set features joyful numbers like I Want to Have Some Fun and Beer for Breakfast

along side more introspective tracks like Winter Seed or Platitudes. Whether upbeat or laid back

the songs show the experience and musicianship of two artists who have paid their dues and put

in the work.

Sarbide politika

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.


Concert fabulós!!
Concert fabulós!!
Antònia M. 2023/05/20 egunean joan zen
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