FAILING IN LOVE • Fringe BCN • Stand-Up Comedy in English about love [PAY WHAT YOU CAN]

MINT BAR. Passeig d'Isabel II, 4 - Mapa ikusi
Data desberdinak -
Antolatzailea LLUIS VENDRELL
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FAILING IN LOVE is a stand-up comedy show about dating successes, but mostly failures, with the best comedians in town.

Don't miss the biggest English stand-up comedy show in Barcelona!





Doors open at 8 PM

The show starts at 8:30 PM

Duration of the show: ~90' + BREAK

Jaume I or Barceloneta [L4]


MINT BAR provides us a great atmosphere for stand-up comedy in the downtown! We have plenty of space to make you feel comfortable. Laughing is mandatory!

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