Improv class - Learn to fail, darling! - Rocío Barquilla - 9th of February

Academia FYE. C. Héroe de Sostoa, 25-2 - Mapa ikusi
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Professional improviser Rocío Barquilla, director of VLC Playground (Valencia), is visiting Málaga, and you have the unique opportunity to have a workshop with her.

This class is open to people with no improv experience, and also to people with up to 2 year improv experience. So, maybe this can be your opportunity to give improv a try, or to enhance your improv skills with a new teacher.

In this workshop, Rocío will teach you that mistakes aren’t just unavoidable—they’re a goldmine for creativity and fun. We will let go of judgment (of ourselves and others), and get comfortable with the chaos they bring. Look inside yourself and be more comfortable embracing mistakes with confidence, compassion, and flexibility—ready to turn them into something extraordinary! Whether for improv or for life, you'll learn something you can apply!


9th of February (Sunday), from 11:00 to 14:00 (3 hours in total).


FYE Academy (near the María Zambrano station)


Rocío is a dynamic improviser based in Valencia, where she wears multiple hats as director, producer, and performer at the cultural association VLC Playground. Rocío loves exploring the unknown through acceptance, trust, storytelling, a million resources and alternative dimensions of reality. With a Master’s in Applied Theater, Rocío loves using spontaneous creativity not just for entertainment, but also as a powerful tool to facilitate workshops.


A 10% of the proceeds of the workshop go to a local charity for the homeless (more info in

Besides, we have a "social pricing system" that allows you to pay less if you are struggling financially and can't afford more, and more if you are abundant and want to contribute to the system. IMPORTANT: This system is to allow people of all walks of life to be able to join. So please act accordingly and only take the lower contribution if you truly need it.

Do you want to see Rocío in action? Come to see her on her show before the workshop.

Questions? Write to

Spots are limited! Get yours today. 

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Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.



Change of venue at last minute! Paid 20 eur but owed 9 for Saturday. Never mind - I enjoyed meeting you. I found it hard to understand Alfonso’s English at times… brava Rocio!
Sherry 2025/02/9 egunean joan zen
Very cool and interesting experience!!!
Loved the class, how it can be applied to everyday life and the fun I had! The teacher is great and very nice people too (other students) very worth it
Eli 2025/02/9 egunean joan zen
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