OWEN COLGAN - 'Chico On Tour'

The Comedy Clubhouse. Carrer dels Canvis Nous, 10, 08003 - Mapa ikusi
Data desberdinak -
Antolatzailea ComedyinSpain

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Owen Colgan, the Irish cult comedy hero is best known for his role as Buzz McDonnell from Hardy Bucks.

He has starred in 4 successful seasons which aired on Ireland’s national broadcaster RTE, as well appearing in the smash hit “The Hardy Bucks Movie” – produced by Universal Studios and hailed by media as ‘the Irish Hangover’.
Owen Colgan has been on a steady rise since launching his stand up career, leaving a trail of sold out shows behind him.
This will be his biggest show in the smallest venue yet.. or something!

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Funny, spontaneous, great craic
Owen had the crowd laughing at every corner. The combination of images, imagery, funny stories and interaction with the crowd made this a great evening at the Comedy Clubhouse in Barcelona
Anne 2022/04/29 egunean joan zen
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