SCALPEL 2025 International Sale

Campus Mar. C/ del Dr. Aiguader, 80, 08003 Barcelona - Mapa ikusi
2024/11/2 00:00
Sample pic

Zure sarrerak erosi

Entrada Scalpel VI

76,37 €
Prezio finala. Gestio gastuak barne. Seguro de no asistencia incluido
0,00 €
0,00 €

Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

SCALPEL is the first student surgical congress with international attendance in Spain. Join us for the sixth edition this year!

Join us at the SCALPEL, the student surgical congress.

February 13th and 14th in Barcelona

The registration fee is 75 euros and includes:

- Educational sessions with surgery experts

- Surgical workshops

- Networking with international universities

- Meals and coffee breaks

IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Please purchase the number of tickets you have pre-agreed with the international sales team! Any extra tickets will be refunded.

REFUND POLICY: If you cannot attend, please email us at to request a refund. Tickets are NOT up for resale so it's very important that you let us know if you are unable to attend for us to allocate your ticket through the wait list. The refund policy is as follows:

Until 8/11/2024 (November 8th): 100% refund

Until 22/11/2024 (November 22nd): 85% refund

After 22/11/2024 (November 22nd): non-refundable

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