Sing It! Musical Improv Jam

Sing It! Musical Improv Jam

Sarrerak ikusi
Sing It! Musical Improv Jam

Sing It! Musical Improv Jam

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143. Mapa ikusi



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General Tickets

7,00 €

Azken prezioa. Kudeaketa-gastuak eta laguntzarik gabeko asegurua barne

Guztira 0,00 €


It’s the night you’ve been waiting for - the BIG Musical Improv Jam! Come along for a night of completely improvised scenes & songs, musical games, dazzling duets, and roaring group songs. We’ll have song games for every level, so whether you’re a total beginner or a musical improv pro, come along and get musical with us!

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open
8.30pm Show Starts

7€ booking online
9€ on the door
30% discount for current students of BIG!

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BIG Improv

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