The Fraltons & Secret Bonus Show • EN

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143 - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea BIG Improv

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*This event is in English*

Wanted! The famous Fraltons are in your city! These four French bandits are in Barcelona for a fully improvised (and speechless) adventure of the four brothers bandit-ing the Far West. A physical play with music, mime, sounds and a lot of fun: see an entire story unravel live, based on your suggestion!

The Fraltons is a French group featuring four international improvisers: Gael Doorneweerd-Perry, Cédric Marschal, Morgan Mansouri and Dan Seyfried. They are known worldwide for their physicality, their ability to tell stories without words and visual comedy: in their show The Fraltons, they present an improvised western story inspired by the comic book Lucky Luke.

Then... stick around for a secret bonus late show featuring one of our visiting improvisers!

Doors 8:00pm
Show 8:30pm
Bonus Secret Show at 10pm

12€ online presale
15€ on the door
*30% discount for current students of BIG!

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