
La Casa del Jardí . Vía Augusta 2, Tarragona - Mapa ikusi
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Antolatzailea TYF Comedy

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Ekitaldiaren deskribapena

Traumedy: A Guide To Being A Fabulous Homeless Addict is the true story of my life from addiction to sobriety. From being young and dumb on the Glasgow gay scene, through living in a park in Barcelona to being committed to a psych ward and then landing in recovery. A tragic yet hilarious true story about overcoming my demons and finding the real meaning of what it takes to be happy.

Iain Anderson is a Scottish comedian based in Barcelona. Since he exploded onto the Barcelona comedy scene last year, he has been making waves with his quick-wittedness, charisma, and a lethal turn of phrase. He recently returned from the Edinburgh Fringe after completing a full run of his amazing debut one-man show TRAUMEDY. 

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