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BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143. Ver mapa

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Para más información pregunta al organizador del evento.

Los datos del organizador están en el apartado "Organizado por".


Scratch Night is where the best, bravest, and budding improvisers try out their new shows and formats. It’s the ‘lucky dip’ of improv nights: brand new ensembles, duos, and solo acts throw their new material at the wall to see what sticks. An improvised narrative film noir rap opera? Sure. Laugh-fuelled, speed of light musical short form? Why not! Deep, philosophical slow burn scenes between animal friends? If you can dream it, it has a place on stage at Scratch Night.

8.00pm Doors & Bar Open

8.30pm Show Starts


10€ online presale

12€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG!

En este caso el promotor no ha especificado la política de acceso a menores, si tienes cualquier duda te animamos a que te pongas en contacto directamente con él.


Organizado por

BIG Improv

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