Hydra FCS Workshop

Axolot-Toplap Bcn. Carrer d’Àvila 156, 08018 - Ver mapa
Varias fechas -
Organizado por Toplap Barcelona
Promoter s axolot sticker 1x1 print

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Descripción del evento

Hydra FCS is an extension to the Hydra video synthesizer for creating visual effects with algebraic geometry, the mathematical study of curves and surfaces. Participants will learn about different mathematical representations of curves and surfaces in two, three, and even four dimensions, and how to combine them to create rich, complex visuals effects. This workshop will also urge participants to think critically about the roles of maps, modularity, and representation in maths, programming, and art. Although FCS features some potentially intimidating maths, no mathematical or programming experience is required. Conceptual intuition is stressed over understanding the equations.

Tentative syllabus:
-Introduction to Hydra and shaders.
-Implicit Curves: mapping from screen positions to grayscale colors.
-Parametric Curves: Using greyscale colors to modulate screen positions.
-Parametric surfaces: mapping from screen positions to RGB colors.
-Implicit Surfaces: mapping from RGB colors to greyscale colors.
-Parametric hypersurfaces and Inverse Parametric Surfaces: using RGB colors to modulate screen positions.
-Driving visuals with audio in FCS.
-Putting it all together.
-Optional: using visuals to drive audio with Hydra+FCS+Strudel.
-Collaborative live coding jam session to share what we've learned.

About Yoni Maltsman
Yoni Maltsman (friendlyspinach) researches, performs with, and teaches creative visualizations of wacky mathematical concepts. He has presented and performed internationally and is heavily involved in the audiovisual scene in Pittsburgh, USA. He has also worked as a researcher in mathematical biology at Carnegie Mellon University, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and the University of Pittsburgh.

Date and time
10th of September from 17:30h to 20:30h.

Participant requirements
All the participants should bring a laptop that can connect to the internet. Some programming + maths background is helpful, but not necessary. Yoni will try to make the workshop as accessible as possible for beginners.



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