Kyla Cobbler (Stand Up in English)

C/d'August 50 . Pachito Lounge - Ver mapa
Varias fechas -
Organizado por TYF Comedy

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Descripción del evento

Kyla Cobbler is a heavy hitter in the English speaking comedy scene in Barcelona and one of Ireland's finest exports.  She has won the likes of many with her undeniable talent and storytelling style of comedy. Catch her show Gone Rogue in Tarragona before she heads off to Ireland to perform at The Cork Opera House..

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Great Technique
Well done, this was our first outing to a small comedy club and now we cant wait until the next time. We laughed the whole time, Kyla was brilliant at including the auduence.
Debbie Bush Asistió el 4.11.2023
Thanks so much for coming!! Good times all around!!
TYF Comedy 11.11.2023
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