Run/Walk against Kid’s Cancer - 10th anniversary of Nits de la Lluna Plena Sitges

Institut Vinyet de Sitges (School). Mestre Manel Torrens, 2 - Ver mapa
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Descripción del evento

Run/Walk against Kid’s Cancer

10th anniversary of Nits de la Lluna Plena Sitges

Saturday, October 1st, 2022 – 9 pm Start - Sitges (40 km from Barcelona)


This year is the tenth anniversary of the "Nits de la LLuna Plena Sitges" charity race ("Full Moon Nights" charity race ). From the very first edition, the goal of the race has been to raise funds for the research on childhood cancer at the Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, Barcelona.

Behind this race/walk is the story of Pol, a young 14-year-old boy who one day wanted to fly. At this young age, Pol was diagnosed with Ewing sarcoma, a rare type of childhood cancer that affects bones. But, as he once said himself, it never entered his mind that a kid or a teenager could have cancer; to him it was something that only olders adults got.

However, sometimes life hits you in the weakest and most vulnerable part. The tumour of Pol was located in the pelvis and has to be removed in surgery, which meant remove some bone and muscle from that area to leave it cancer free.

But the disease didn’t count on the inexhaustible optimism of Pol who, despite everything, continued to play basketball, even when he was limping. He also qualified as a sailing monitor and gave classes to children in both sports. And, on top of this, he won the Catalan basketball championship in his category. Pol never lost faith.

There was a time where everything seemed to go right. But, six years later, the disease came back, this time stronger and more virulent. Despite all efforts and the treatment he received, Pol could not overcome this second attack of the disease.

It was then that he decided to put an end to all the suffering and slowly distanced himself from the battle, from his friends and lovers. He stood at the edge of the precipice, bent his knees, pushed strongly and spread his wings.


Route: 4.6 kilometers either running or walking to enjoy and share experiences with people like you. It is an opportunity to help an extraordinary group of professionals and their research projects on childhood cancer. This is a non-competitive event, open to all ages. You can either run or walk. 

Start: at 9.00 pm, in front of the school: Institut Vinyet, Calle Mestre Manel Torrens 2, Sitges

Finish: at the same place, Institut Vinyet, where we invite you for a sandwich and a drink.  There will be also a draw with lots of prizes from our collaborators.

Registration fees: 14 euros (full donation to childhood cancer research)

Collection of race bibs: from 7.00 pm at the Institut Vinyet

More informationa about Sitges:

Donations: if you can´t participate to the race but still want to give support to the research projects on childhood cancer at Hospital Sant Joan de Deu, please make a donation above.


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Lovely event, well organised and fun.
Janet Poole Asistió el 1.10.2022
Una experiencia hermosa
Lo disfruté tanto. Mi estado físico no es el mejor así y todo quise acompañar la convocatoria por la causa y porque mi hijo, alumno del instituto, asistía a los participantes. La organización fue perfecta. Durante la caminata te encontrabas con otros asistentes alentándonos. Muy agradecida de haber podido colaborar con el Hospital Sant Joan de Déu en su investigación.
Lorena Garrido Asistió el 1.10.2022
Very Good atmosphere !
Doz Asistió el 1.10.2022
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