Sending Gifts Party @KOKO

Sending Gifts Party @KOKO

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Sending Gifts Party @KOKO

Sending Gifts Party @KOKO


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Sending Gifts at KOKO CLUB !

Thirsty tuesday is back with a GREAT PARTY NIGHT:  Sending Gifts, we will be Sending a lot of gifts in Balloons during the night (Free drinks, shots, free trips, bottles , DJ session up with the DJ, ETC...)  

Tickets on Presale are limited.

The tickets include one large drink of your choice + open bar of free beer from 23:00 to 00:00

THE ENTRANCE WITH THE TICKET IS UNTIL 00:00 MAX! past this hour your ticket won't be valid and without refund.

The tickets holders will skip the line and get in very fast.

Those without tickets can purchase it at the door. 

En este caso el promotor no ha especificado la política de acceso a menores, si tienes cualquier duda te animamos a que te pongas en contacto directamente con él.

1 Opinión Ver opiniones

Opinión verificadaAsistió el 4/10/2022


Organizado por

Koko CLub Sevilla

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