Body Awareness and Improvisation: A Dance Workshop Series

Centre Culturel Fuzuê. Rue Philippe Le Bon 15, - Ver mapa
22/02/2025 17:00
Organizado por Marcin Wosinek

selecciona as túas entradas

Presale 6 workshops

40,00 €

Rooted & Rising: 22 February

12,00 €
Prezo final. Gastos de xestión incluidos.
0,00 €
0,00 €

Descripción do evento

To buy your ticket, select a date of the workshop you would like to attend. 
If you want to get the presale ticket for 6 workshops for 40 EUR, select the date of the first workshop: 22 February. 

  1. Rooted & Rising: Building balance and movement from within, 22 February, 17:00
  2. Unlock Your Groove: Exploring Body Isolations, 1 March, 17:00
  3. Embrace the Floor: Exploring basic floorwork through improvisation, 29 March, 17:00
  4. Take a deep breath: how breathing enhances movement qualities and connection, 5 April, 17:00
  5. InSynch: connecting with your body and connecting with your partner, 17 May, 17:00
  6. Unspoken Communication: discovering group connection in dance, 24 May, 17:00

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