Destination 2165 #6

Destination 2165 #6

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Destination 2165 #6

Destination 2165 #6

C/ Riera d'escuder, 38. La Deskomunal. Ver mapa

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It is with great excitement that we are announcing the #6 edition of Destination 2165 our second Weekender format will be on Friday the 15th and Saturday the 16th of December.

We will be honoured to have the talented Little Victor perform for us as "Mojo" Man his DJ alter ego on Friday the 15th and also on Saturday the 16th he will be live on stage playing his smokin' R&B tunes with Barcelona's The Bear-Cats as a backing Band (Jorge and Daniel Nunes + Berto Martínez)

We are very happy to have our good friend Sonny Daze also double up as a DJ on Friday and Perform as his One Man Blues Band Slim Pickins on Saturday.

The Cherry on the pie will be our extra Two Special TOP DJs for the Weekend Anna Goldthorp from Glasgow and Syl All from France !!! What an absolute delight will be to have them burn the dancefloor with the magic gems they have in their Record Boxes

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1 Opinión Ver opinións

Opinión verificadaAsistiu o 16/12/2023
Aterrament satisfactori
Vam enlairar amb normalitat. El vol no podria haver anat millor, la tripulació molt professional I els companys de vintage com si ens haguéssim conegut tota la vida. Fins a la destinació amb rhythm Ler máis &blues, exotica I northern soul.


Organizado por

Destination 2165 club

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