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Descrizione dell'evento
WE COME AGAIN VIXEN will be the special guest opening the season with a mind-blowing 2h sessionShe is well known for letting the dance on fire in big festivals such as Dubquake, Rototom, Goa Sunsplash, Boomtown, IDG & many many more Vixen has toured thousands of miles as part of the Sinai Sound System family, and she also has worked closely running the record label Scotch Bonnet (Mungo's HiFi) and the renowned club Walk n Skank. By day Vixen presents and produces radio shows for the BBC and many others. This is not your average dance: we guarantee you the highest sound quality and the freshest vibes you deserve Book your ticket now and don't miss out this wicked sound system club experience
TORNEM! VIXEN sera la convidada especial encarregada d'obrir aquesta temporada amb 2h de djset de pura bogeria Se la coneix arreu per haver deixat cap per aball grans festivals com Dubquake, Rototom, Goa Sunsplash, Boomtown, IDG i mooolts mes Vixen ha recorregut milers de km com a part de la familia de Sinai Sound System, i també ha treballat colze a colze amb el segell de Mungo's Hifi Scotch Bonnet i el famós club Walk n' Skank. Combina la faceta de selectora i soundwoman amb la producció d'un programa de ràdio per ni més ni menys que la BBC. Aquest no es el teu ball regular: et garantim la millor qualitat sonora i la selecció musical més puntera que et mereixes Reserva els teus tickets i no et perdis aquesta experiencia sound system única
+ info instagram Wisdom Link Sound System
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