Teatro de los Sentidos. ONLINE - Vedi mappa
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Descrizione dell'evento

The intention that we put in this innovative art is the recovery of the “listening to ourselves”, the other and the space, and it surrounds, to become two subjects that are related to each other. Working through the senses aims to reveal the poetic experience as a form of deep knowledge and as a work on oneself.

Seminar for students that works in the fields of Art, and culture, theatre, dance, or participants, who are interested in developing and promoting his sensorial world.

Teatro de los Sentidos is a stable space where artist-researchers from multiple disciplines and nationalities have been working for more than 30 years in the poetics of the senses and research between sensory languages, play and theatrical creation

More than just a theatre, we are a seedbed, a meeting place, for training and diffusion of our techniques and a service to the community.

The Theatre of the Senses has the obligation to share its language known worldwide as sensory theatre, a language that has gradually made its way by walking, creating a language that is practiced today not only in Spain, but in many countries of the world, these groups are the result of our research core group, a seedbed of people who in one way or another have received training in our school or have worked for years in our research.

This own language and pioneer in the world, is now the most effective and necessary means to find forms of communication that allow those who participate in sensory experiences, to contact their innermost self.

The commitment of the theatre of the senses is to work on the development of this new technology that allows you to learn to listen and relate to yourself with the environment and with others.

Within the practices we will analyse the aspects of the sensory theatre and we will come to the creation of small experiences, to share.

From the theatre of the senses we continue with our commitment to train people to build souls together to rediscover the poetics that are hidden within each one.



  • The Poetics of the Game
  • Conference, The Word and Silence
  • How to sculpt darkness
  •  The art of evoking
  • The Aromas in the performance.
  •  Poetic of the Silence
  • The body in the space
  • Poetic of the Senses.
  • Sensory Experience

Experiencing a game, we will develop together a theme that could unite all the experiences in one, with a sensory approach, at the end of this course we would like to be able to share each of the experiences, that, we all will create, and work on a possible Journey to share among us , and why not why possibly with public invited!.

Final Evaluation, everyone involved in the course will participate to share and get feedback of the process.

For the end of the process it will be good if we can invite friends to be in the experience to try what we have research and so doing, we could understand by ourselves, how this language would work for you and your area of research or interest.

¡Open inscriptions!

English Course

Save the date

MARCH 7-14-21-28 / APRIL 4-11-18-25 / MAY 2-3

20 hours Online Course

Every tuesday from 10:00 hrs until 12:00 hrs european time

Contact: Gabriel Hernandez

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