Voz, cuerpo y éxtasis. Retiro de invierno con MuOM. Del 4 al 7 de diciembre.

Mas de Caret (Montblanc, Tarragona). 41°19'13.5"N 1°05'59.6"E - Vedi mappa
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Organizzato da MuOM Ecstatic voices
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Las actividades del retiro estan pensadas para público adulto.  Scaricare autorizzazione




Lástima que fue tant cortito! Muchisimas gràcias por estar con tanta calma, sabiduria, alegria, paciència, por sembrar una semilla! Os llevo en el corazón!
Maria Dels àngels Ha partecipato il 30/07/2020
Feedback Retreat MuOM
The retreat took place in an absolutely beautiful place. Also, the food was really tasty and I liked that it was all vegetarian :) The optional classes (micro gimnasia) in the morning were a nice complementation to the rest of the program. I also enjoyed the "calentamiento", led by another member of MuOM every day. Like that, they were all different and had a different focus. I also think that classes (salas armónicos) were good, I liked if they were structured and the time was used effectively (short introduction, time to practice, then show and get feedback). For me, it is very important to be able to try out the technique during these classes and get a feedback. I would have wished to have some more time for them to ensure that every member of the group has enough time to show how they do it and get a useful feedback. I could also imagine splitting them up (e.g. 1 cavidad in the morning, 2 cavidades in the afternoon) as it is challenging to switch from one technique to another, especially if they are new and it's very important to remember the feeling (where the tongue is etc...). In my opinion, the repertorio was structured really well (practice in small groups as well as everyone together). It's very nice to have a concert at the end, to have a common projekt to work towards. I thought it was a also a really good idea to record it, also to have a "souvenir" and be able to show it to family and friends. For me, the "circulos sonido" were one of the main parts of the retreat and it was simply beautiful. I don't think I can further describe it with words so I'm not going to try. What I would wish is in the beginning you explain that everyone who wants to be in the middle of the circle will have time to do it (this wasn't clear for me in the beginning). Also maybe it would be helpful to organize it in a way that ensures that we have enough time and energy to sing for everyone who wishes to, as it is a really special and unique experience. The program in the evening was maybe my favourite part! I really enjoyed that different members of MuOM presented their projects and like that, every evening had a different vibe. To have a talent show on the last evening is a really fun idea too! So all in all, I am very grateful to have been able to attend the retreat and spend this special time with all of you and the other people who were there. Each member of MuOM is an inspiration for me and I've been very happy to be able to learn from you and make music together. MERCI!
Laura Ha partecipato il 30/07/2020
Una inmillorable experiència. I un molt bon ambient i molta música. Repetiré.
Josep Maria Méliz Ha partecipato il 30/07/2020
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