Living Room Improv Jam

Living Room Improv Jam

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Living Room Improv Jam

Living Room Improv Jam

BIG IMPROV. Calle Comte Borrell 143. Vedere mappa



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General Tickets

7,00 €

Prezzo finale. Commissioni di gestione e assicurazione di non assistenza incluse

Totale 0,00 €


Come along for improv’s most fun & social improv format. For this jam, the BIG bar in transformed into a comfy living room to be filled with chat, stories, and laughs. And when the chat simply gets too good to stay seated? Improv scenes inspired by the conversation fill the stage. Whether you want to just chat, just play, just watch, or do all three with a glass of wine in hand, The Living Room Jam is the perfect place for improvisers to meet and play!

8.00pm Signups / Bar Opens

8.30pm Jam Starts


7€ online presale

9€ on the door

*30% discount for current students of BIG

In questo caso il promotore non ha specificato la politica di accesso ai minori, per qualsiasi dubbio ti invitiamo a contattarlo direttamente.


Organizzato da

BIG Improv

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