The House of Bernarda Alba - IAB Acting Performance

Institute of the Arts Barcelona, Can Pei Campus Sitges. Carrer Ramón Dalmases, 18 - Vedi mappa
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Descrizione dell'evento

The house of Bernarda Alba, by Federico García Lorca
Directed by Silvia Navarro and performed by IAB Acting Students 

Cast: Laia Alejandre Llopart, Luna Macedo Gomes , Zeynep Isra Durmuş, Paula Pérez Galeote, Mercês Borges, Luisa Da Molo, Paola Dersigni and Emma Cubilla.

Synopsis: After the death of her second husband, Antonio Benavides, Bernarda Alba imposes rigorous and suffocating mourning for eight years, prohibiting her five daughters from leaving the house. When Angustias, the first-born and only daughter of Bernarda’s first husband, inherits a small fortune, she attracts a young and good looking suitor, Pepe el Romano. The arrival of Pepe will crack the strong walls of Bernarda’s house and change the fate of her five daughters forever.

Federico Garcia Lorca wrote The House of Bernarda Alba in 1936, a few months before the start of the Spanish Civil War and his own death. The conflict between the rancid values of tradition (represented by Bernarda) and the yearning for change and freedom (represented by her five daughters) that the Granada poet shows us in the play, looks like a premonition of the 40 years of darkness and repression that would plague Spain.

The play reflects the situation of women at the beginning of the 20th century. Immersed in a patriarchal society, they cannot be free to make their own decisions, neither to express their femininity or sexual desire.  

Please note:

* There will be one interval.

* Play performed in English. 

* Entry to the premises will not be allowed after the starting play.

Politica di accesso

In questo caso il promotore non ha specificato la politica di accesso ai minori, per qualsiasi dubbio ti invitiamo a contattarlo direttamente.


Grandes futuras actrices
Muy bien dirigida, escelente dicción y muy bien trabajada. Algunos papeles no eran nada fáciles, sin embargo los clavaron con mucha naturalidad.
Rosa Llopart Queraltó Ha partecipato il 28/10/2023
Mucha complicidad entre ellas, las actrices
Muy bien caracterizadas, complicidad entre todas ellas. Considero que supieron hacer amena y divertida una obra de hace años.
Olga Ha partecipato il 26/10/2023
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