Pregnancy Symptoms in first week

Pregnancy Symptoms in first week

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Pregnancy Symptoms in first week

Pregnancy Symptoms in first week

12. Pregnancy Symptoms Bloating and Gas In the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause chaos in the large intestine. As a result, bloating, gas and constipation can be seen.. Ver mapa

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Pregnancy Symptoms in first week

Bloating and Gas

In the early stages of pregnancy, hormonal changes can cause chaos in the large intestine. As a result, bloating, gas and constipation can be seen.

Urinating Too Frequent

The increased blood during pregnancy is filtered by the kidney, and as a result, the bladder fills more often. At the same time, as the uterus grows, the capacity of the bladder decreases.


As your menstrual period approaches, there is an increase in the hormone progesterone. This hormone lowers blood pressure by causing blood vessels to enlarge. It does not multiply adequately in red blood cells. As a result, psychological anemia and dizziness can be seen.

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Extreme weakness and fatigue are one of the first signs of pregnancy. However, it should not be confused with fatigue from daily work.


Symptoms such as mood swings, hypersensitivity, anxiety, depression, and feeling tearful are among the first symptoms of pregnancy, as can be seen when your period approaches. This is due to hormonal changes.

Short-Term Bleeding

A day or two of bleeding during your menstrual period and mild groin cramps while you are waiting to become pregnant can also be a sign of pregnancy. Embryo implantation coincides with the start of your menstrual period. This causes mild bleeding in 30% of women.

Period Delay

One of the most common symptoms is a missed period. However, irregular menstruation and vaginal bleeding in the first days of menstruation are quite common among women. This is why you may not realize that you are pregnant.


Nausea may not result in vomiting and can happen at any time of the day. If you are experiencing nausea without symptoms such as diarrhea and fever, you may be pregnant.

Sensitivity to Odors

If you can't stand the smell and taste of the things you love, this may be a sign of pregnancy.

Tenderness of the Breasts

As a result of rapid hormonal changes, your breasts may swell and become heavy. You may also have dark spots on your nipples. As a similar change is seen as the menstrual period approaches, it may not be noticed.

Vaginal discharge

Increased vaginal discharge is also a common symptom. It is generally white in color and like water.

The Most Ideal Age Range for Being a Mother

It has been determined that the ideal reproductive age to become a mother is between 20-30.

Experts have stated that the pregnancy rate of women who want to become a mother at an advanced age but cannot become a mother by normal means decreases in IVF due to the decrease in the number of eggs after the age of 35 or the deterioration of the quality of the eggs.

In the past years, motherhood was usually at an early age because the rate of early marriage was higher for women. However, the age of becoming a mother is increasing day by day. The place of women in society, their socio-economic status, active business life and the increase in the number of women who have had their second marriages are among the biggest reasons for this situation.

There are many women who give birth to babies at an advanced age, especially waiting in their 30s for the first baby.

Advantages and disadvantages of early motherhood

As a disadvantage of being a mother at a young age on women, we can say that they have to struggle more with life because they have not completed a certain maturation period and their experiences and life experiences are not in place. In addition, many hormonal and emotional changes occur in a young woman's body.

On the other hand, the advantage of being a mother at an early age is that the energy level of the woman at that age is high and constantly active. It would not be wrong to say that the younger generation attaches importance to this, which is another advantage to be able to get along with their child more comfortably and like a friend in the future due to his age.

Being a mother at an older age

The negative side of being a mother at an advanced age can cause difficulties when a baby disrupts this order while couples lead a habitual lifestyle. In addition, women who give birth at a later age may have to become pregnant with less quality eggs.

Things to Consider Before Having a Child

There are many important steps to be done and paid attention to before having a child. Expectant mothers and fathers should go through all these stages before they take their babies in their arms, and they should also feel ready for this change psychologically and economically.

The points that are very important for a healthy pregnancy period and the health of the baby;

Make an appointment with your doctor first.

3 months before deciding to become pregnant, a specialist should consult a doctor and the doctor should check the health status of the person who wants to become pregnant and request the necessary examinations according to the health status.

The physician should also review habits such as eating habits, weight, alcohol and smoking. It is necessary to determine all these before pregnancy and to arrange them as they should be for a healthy pregnancy.

Quit alcohol, drug and smoking use

The consumption of substances such as alcohol, drugs and cigarettes should definitely be stopped when it is decided to have a baby. These substances increase the risk of miscarriage, premature birth, and low birth weight. If the wife of the woman who decides to conceive also smokes, she should at least quit for a while. Because the sperm count of the smoking partner will also decrease, which will negatively affect the fertility of the woman.

Pay attention to your diet

A healthy diet is necessary for a healthy pregnancy. Care should be taken to consume all food groups. It is especially beneficial to eat fruits and vegetables. Milk, yogurt and calcium-fortified orange juice are very important foods in terms of calcium. It is also necessary to consume rich protein varieties such as beans, walnuts, seeds, white meat and red meat.

The ones that should be eaten carefully are because they make weight; bread, rice, pasta, dumplings, ravioli, pastries, nuts and chocolate. It would be appropriate for vegetarian mothers to supplement with vitamin B-12 and D.

Take a folic acid supplement

Taking 400 mg of folic acid daily starting from the 3 months before pregnancy reduces the injuries in the cerebrospinal system that may occur in the baby. Folic acid is found in green leafy vegetables, nuts, almonds and legumes. In addition to folic acid to be taken with natural foods, the use of multivitamins containing folic acid or folic acid tablets should not be neglected.

Get weighed now

Being at a normal weight is advantageous for a woman who wants to become pregnant. Being underweight or overweight can be dangerous for pregnancy. overweight; Pregnancy-related high blood pressure can cause extremely serious problems such as diabetes during pregnancy. In addition, problems such as abdominal pain, low back pain, fatigue, and shortness of breath during pregnancy can lead to a difficult delivery.

Exercises as well as a balanced diet before and during pregnancy can facilitate delivery. Performing the exercises under professional supervision and under the control of a doctor will protect the health of both the mother and the baby. Walking is generally recommended for expectant mothers, provided that they are not brisk.

Get your dental care done

Gum disorders can be seen in pregnant women due to the effect of increasing hormones. Gum care in this process will minimize the problems.

Stay away from infections

Unpasteurized soft cheeses and other dairy products, raw and undercooked red and white meat should be avoided. Since these products contain harmful bacteria, they increase the probability of miscarriage.

Personal hygiene should be given importance, especially food should be washed with plenty of water under hygienic conditions. During the flu season, you should definitely get the flu vaccine. All these are necessary measures to take a great step into pregnancy and stay away from infections.

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