The King Stag

The King Stag

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The King Stag

The King Stag

Institute of the Arts Barcelona - IAB Can Pei Theatre. Carrer Ramón Dalmases,18. Ver mapa

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The King Stag

 by Carlo Gozzi

Directed by Cristian Izzo and performed by IAB Acting students

Synopsis: The magician Durandarte's gift to the King of Serendippo almost leads to disaster when the evil Prime Minister uses it to usurp his power, marry his betrothed - and turn the King himself into a stag! A living statue, a wise-cracking parrot, and a host of characters from commedia dell'arte join the action. Ultimately the King's young bride sees through the Prime Minister's plot and returns her proper husband to the throne. A high-spirited romance enlivened by such delightful characters as the resourceful servant Truffaldino, the crotchety Pantalone, the boastful yet cowardly General Spavento, and the endlessly talkative Smeraldina.

Cast: Laia Alejandre, Marc Wadhwani, Emma Cubilla, Paola Dersigni, Ardel Biran, Marta Puliti, Paula Pérez, Luisa Da Molo, Luna Basilio Macedo and Mercês Borges.

Please note: 

* Entry to the performance will not be allowed once the play has started.

* Please be advised, that flashing lights are used in this performance.

* Recommended for ages 10 and over.

* Duration 1 hour 50 min. There will be an interval.

* The play is performed in English.

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1 Opinião Ver opiniões

Opinião verificadaAssistiu em 10/02/2024
muy bien dirigido. Se ha notado que los estudiantes ya están en el tercer curso
Rosa Llopart Queraltó


Organizado por

Institute of the Arts Barcelona

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