Automata DNB - 13 JAN/ENE - 17:00 @ The Garage Club · Barcelona Local Talent

Automata DNB - 13 JAN/ENE - 17:00 @ The Garage Club · Barcelona Local Talent

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Automata DNB - 13 JAN/ENE - 17:00 @ The Garage Club · Barcelona Local Talent

Automata DNB - 13 JAN/ENE - 17:00 @ The Garage Club · Barcelona Local Talent

The Garage Club. Passatge Can Polític, 13, 08907 L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. Veure mapa

Venda online tancada.

Per a més informació pregunti a l'organitzador de l'esdeveniment.

Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".


The 13th of January from 17:00-23:00 we keep going forward in our second edition for our bet promotting the local scene. A party in one of the most iconic underground clubs of Barcelona @thegarage_of_thebassvalley with probably the best sound in town, specially for Drum & Bass.

Automata is a Drum & Bass event promoter aimed to promote the Barcelona local talent, we believe the old and the new local talent has to be supported while trying to create regular events, so everyone can benefit and have the same opportunities if there's work and effort behind. We also invest a lot of our time in teaching new DJs and producers without any profit, we do not want money to be an entry barrier to generate talent and we think that's the most healthy strategy thinking in the mid/long term. Building from the bottom to the top. We do want to create a sustainable strategy, sharing our benefits with the artists, so as more attendence, more profits they'll receive. Don't miss your chance to be able to support the Barcelona local scene in a new unique way!!

The Line-UP:







En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.


Organitzat per

Automata Music

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