Nothing Else Matters - Spoken Word with music show

Nothing Else Matters - Spoken Word with music show

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Nothing Else Matters - Spoken Word with music show

Nothing Else Matters - Spoken Word with music show

Poble Sec. Carrer de L'Olivera 55. Veure mapa

Venda online tancada.

Per a més informació pregunti a l'organitzador de l'esdeveniment.

Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".


A unique spoken word with live music show premieres in Barcelona. A show based on the song of Metalica "Nothing Else Matters" that brings out the deep depth of the lyrics, and the emotions of the song via acoustic and experimental poetry performances of the best spoken word artists in Barcelona, accompanied by live and digital instruments.

Four international poets with years of experience in the spoken word scene of Barcelona, and not only, get together with extraordinary musicians to give you a unique experience.


Makis Moulos: Spoken word artist /Events organizer / Director of the show

Yzaura: Spoken word artist / Actress / Singer / Experimental sound  poet

Ioana Lungu: Spoken Word artist / Workshop facilitator

Ling: Spoken word artist / Singer / Guitarist

Joanna d’Arc: Cellist / Singer

Xavi Pericàs: Violinist

Ryan: Guitarist

The show will be split in two parts, an acoustic and an experimental part, with an interval between them.

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.


Organitzat per

poENtry slam

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