Peripheral Witches and Their Lives

Peripheral Witches and Their Lives

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Peripheral Witches and Their Lives

Peripheral Witches and Their Lives

Amora Libros. C/ de Ramón y Cajal, 142, Joanic, Gracia, 08024 Barcelona. Veure mapa



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15,47 €

Preu final. Despeses de gestió i assegurança de no assistència inclosos

Total 0,00 €


Friday, July 12th

From 07:30 pm to 09:00 pm

Price: 15 euros

Place: Amora Llibres - C/ de Ramón y Cajal 142, 08024 - Barcelona

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On Instagram ciempies.talleres


Peripheral Witches and Their Lives

This short seminar will focus on witches you have never heard of. We are all familiar with the stories of the Salem witch hunts, with Tituba and Bridget Bishop but how about witches from the periphery? We will be looking at the biographies of female, male, and non-binary self-identifying witches from Turkey, Romania, Iceland, Chile, Scotland, and Argentina, to name a few. What is it that truly defines a witch across geographies and cultures? How does the term “witch” intersect and interact with kindred titles such as healer, diviner, sorcerer, or alchemist? And can peripheral witches teach us strategies for resilience and survival?

Defne Çizakça is a writer and editor who lives between Istanbul and Barcelona. Her Witch’s Trilogy, made up of three illustrated fairy tales focusing on peripheral witches, was published by The Poet House (2021-2023). Her historical novel about the first female alchemist in the Ottoman Empire was published by İthaki (2024). Both works are in Turkish. A book of her short stories will be available in English and Spanish soon.

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Ciempiés Talleres

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