The Good Seeds live at Blacklab

The Good Seeds live at Blacklab

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The Good Seeds live at Blacklab

The Good Seeds live at Blacklab

BlackLab Brewhouse . Palau de mar, pça de Pau Vila 1 Ciutat vella . Veure mapa

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Per a més informació pregunti a l'organitzador de l'esdeveniment.

Les dades de l'organitzador estan a l'apartat "Organitzat per".


The Good Seeds are a indie reggae rock band formed in Barcelona in 2023. All of the band members were part of The Goosers and still play some of the Goosers songs mixed in with the new material.  Band is focused on storytelling while creating a groovy atmosphere.  Mister Goose plays lead guitar and vocals, Luciano Labriola at bass, David Escudero plays keys and percussion and Oriol Rosell plays drums and backing vocals.

En aquest cas el promotor no ha especificat la política d'accés a menors, si tens qualsevol dubte, t'animem et posis en contacte directament amb ell.



Organitzat per

The Goosers

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