En Route 'Storytelling Emocional' en inglés

En Route 'Storytelling Emocional' en inglés

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En Route 'Storytelling Emocional' en inglés

En Route 'Storytelling Emocional' en inglés

Radio City Valencia. Santa Teresa, 19. Karte ansehen

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Welcome abord to a new RADIO CITY VLC event, ‘En Route Storytelling’ that will be launched next june 30th at 6 pm.

En Route is a platform for anyone who wants to share personal stories of meaningful experiences in front of a live audience. It is a community where the audience gets to experience life through someone else’s eyes, as the speaker shares moments of revelation, change, decisiveness and vulnerability through the art of storytelling.

In offering up these experiences for reflection, learning and connection, we create a space of shared understanding and empathy; more often than not, leaving both the storyteller and the audience deeply moved, bursting with laughter, in tears, or with seeds for transformation.

This journey of sharing and listening, is an embodiment of the symbiotic relationship between us and our stories, continually evolving together.

As Carl Rogers beautifully put it, “What you are to be, you are now becoming.” .” Or as we like to say: by telling our story, we find ourselves perpetually EN ROUTE.

‘My first time’ 30/06/2024 @ RADIO CITY VLC

Join us for a night of riveting personal stories like never told before!

On the En Route stage we will host 5 speakers with wildly different backgrounds and origins, that will tell you from the heart about a First Time that changed their life.

Raffaela D’Elia develops a night-time persona that starkly contrasts with his daytime self.

Suzan Grootscholten manages to escape several countries while evading unwanted eyes.

Steve Nikolayev goes to Europe against his will but frees himself along the way.

Belinda Reynolds managed to steal precious time by pretending to be someone she was not.

Fabricio Silva learns that the revolution is not all what it promised to be.


Bienvenidos a una nueva actividad de RADIO CITY VLC, 'En Route Storytelling' que se inaugura en nuestra sala el próximo domingo día 30 de junio a las 18:00h.

En Route es una plataforma para cualquiera que desee compartir historias personales de experiencias significativas ante un público en directo. Es una comunidad en la que el público experimenta la vida a través de los ojos de otra persona, mientras el orador comparte momentos de revelación, cambio, decisión y vulnerabilidad a través del arte de contar historias.

Al ofrecer estas experiencias para la reflexión, el aprendizaje y la conexión, creamos un espacio de comprensión y empatía compartidas que, en la mayoría de los casos, deja tanto al narrador como al público profundamente conmovidos, con carcajadas, lágrimas o semillas de transformación.

Este viaje de compartir y escuchar es una encarnación de la relación simbiótica entre nosotros y nuestras historias, en continua evolución conjunta.

Como bellamente dijo Carl Rogers: «Lo que vas a ser, ya lo estás siendo». O como nos gusta decir: al contar nuestra historia, nos encontramos perpetuamente EN RUTA.

'Mi Primera Vez' 30/06/2024 @ RADIO CITY VLC

Acompáñanos en una noche de historias personales fascinantes como nunca antes se han contado.

En el escenario En Route acogeremos a 5 ponentes con orígenes y trayectorias muy diferentes, que te contarán desde el corazón  ' su primera vez' que les cambió la vida.

Raffaela D'Elia desarrolla un personaje nocturno que contrasta fuertemente con su yo diurno.

Suzan Grootscholten consigue escapar de varios países mientras esquiva miradas indeseadas.

Steve Nikolayev viaja a Europa contra su voluntad, pero se libera por el camino.

Belinda Reynolds consigue robar un tiempo precioso haciéndose pasar por alguien que no es.

Fabricio Silva se entera de que la revolución no es todo lo que prometía ser.

+Info: https://www.instagram.com/enroute.stories

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4 Bewertungen Bewertungen ansehen

bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 30/06/2024
Good event
Nice event, emotional, fun, emotive and full of experiences and interesting people
bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 30/06/2024
Storytelling at its finest
It was a wonderful experience. Would definitely come to one of the future meetings.
bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 30/06/2024
An enjoyable English-speaking event with storytellers from several countries
If you enjoy The Moth Radio Hour podcast or have been to their live events (held in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom and Australia) then you will enjoy En Route which uses a similar format where each Mehr lesen vent has a different theme/topic and people come on stage to share true stories about themselves.
bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 30/06/2024
Emotional Storytelling
A wonderful afternoon spent listening to moving and beautifully told personal experiences from around the globe. Hearing these very different stories in the magical setting of Radio City in Valencia, Mehr lesen Spain was not only entertaining, it reinforced the importance of human connection.


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En Route

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