Meetup - Play some Improv games

Meetup - Play some Improv games

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Meetup - Play some Improv games

Meetup - Play some Improv games

Backstage academy. Av. de Velázquez, 20, 29003 Málaga. Karte ansehen

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We get together and play some improv games, just for fun and to meet new people. You don’t need previous experience, neither there is a pressure to “be funny” or “creative” or “do it well”. Explore your spontaneity in a fun, safe and easy-going environment.

The meetup lasts 2 hours, please be on time to get the most out of the event. 

You need to book your spot here. We don't accept payments in person.

This meetup will be at Backstage academy.

After you've booked your spot, you'll have a QR code to access on the day. If you cannot make it, you can give your spot to someone you know.

We allow people to contribute whatever they can within 3 levels of contribution. IMPORTANT: This is a social system to allow people of all walks of life to be able to join. So please act accordingly and only take the lower contribution if you really need it.

A 10% of the proceeds go to a local charity for the homeless.

In diesem Fall hat der Veranstalter keine Altersbeschränkung festgelegt, wenn Du dennoch Zweifel hast setze Dich gerne mit dem Veranstalter direkt in Verbindung.

2 Bewertungen Bewertungen ansehen

bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 14/07/2024
Brilliant, challenging and fun!
Two hours of improv and life lessons with wonderful people ... sorry it was only two hours.
bestätigte BewertungWar dabei am 17/03/2024
Absolutely Fantastic
I moved to Malaga from Galway,Ireland not knowing anyone here and then attended this wonderful class, Wow not only did it build my self confidence but also a fab place to meet friends. - Thank you for Mehr lesen this amazing opportunity!
Stewart Goldstein


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Asociación Mylaga

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