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PREMIUM CLUB. C/Rebolledo, 11, 43004. See map

Online sales are closed.

For more information please contact the organizer.

The organizer's data is in the "Brought to you by" section.


Recuerda que sólo él puede perdonar todos tus pecados… JESUS PARTY HARD! La semana santa nos luce mucho en Premium Club y sólo vas a bailar hits celestiales…deja tus pecados atrás…y ven a nuestro particular calvario, crucifixión y resurrección

Line up

28.04 @markkgomez 

29.04 @oficial_blacknana 

30.04 @moshecasanova_dj 

Tarragona - c/ Rebolledo 11 - 43004

The promoter has not specified underage access policy, if you have any question please contact directly with the promoter.

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