(Day Beach Party) Afro House/Afro Tech TRIBE

(Day Beach Party) Afro House/Afro Tech TRIBE

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(Day Beach Party) Afro House/Afro Tech TRIBE

(Day Beach Party) Afro House/Afro Tech TRIBE

Puerto Bahia Clube del Mar. Platja de la Marina, 08918 Badalona, Barcelona, Espanha. Mapa ikusi

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* Alert!*

**Puerto Bahia Club de Mar: The Ultimate Beach Party **

Hey fellow Barcelonians and visitors! Looking for a sizzling kick off your weekend? Look no further! Saturday , we're turning up the heat at **Puerto Bahia Club de Mar**, and you're invited!


- **Date**: Saturday, April  27, 2024

- **Time**: 4:00 PM onwards

- **Location**: Puerto Bahia Club de Mar, Passeig Del Mare Nostrum, 61, 08918 Badalona, Barcelona, Spain ¹

**What to Expect:**

- **Live Beats**: Our DJs will be spinning the hottest tracks, from Afro House to Afro Tech , Get ready to dance your heart out!

- **Beach Vibes**: Picture this—sandy shores, palm trees, and a refreshing sea breeze. It's the ultimate beach party experience.

- **Sunset Views**: As the sun dips below the horizon, enjoy breathtaking views of the sea. Perfect for those Instagram-worthy moments!

- **Food & Drinks**: Savor mouthwatering Spanish delicacies and sip on tropical cocktails. Buen provecho!

- **Good Vibes Only**: Leave your worries at the door and let loose. It's all about good music, good company, and good times.

**Tickets and Reservations:**

- Tickets available on [RA](https://ra.co/events/1876003) 

See you at Puerto Bahia Club de Mar! ¡Hasta viernes !

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