Roast Battle Barcelona - English

Roast Battle Barcelona - English

Sarrerak ikusi
Roast Battle Barcelona - English

Roast Battle Barcelona - English

Teatre Almeria. Almeria Theatre, C/Sant Lluis 64,. Mapa ikusi

Online salmenta itxita.

Informazio gehiago jasotzeko ekitaldiaren antolatzailearekin harremanetan jarri.

Antolatzailearen datuak "Antolatzailea" eremuan daude.



Welcome everyone to the first ROAST BATTLE of the year! Two combatants from the world of stand up comedy and beyond, insulting each other, with all their wit and humour... and without any type of censorship. If you're offended you know what to do!
From each of our 4 fearsome battles there will be only one winner and, more importantly, ONE LOSER!!
You will have your vote, along with a jury of experts who won’t hold back when it comes to passing judgement.
In the Roast Battle ring there are NO TABOOS!
Are you going to miss it?
Recommended for ages ≥ 18.

Kasu honetan antolatzaileak ez du zehaztu adingabekoen politikarik sarreran, zalantzarik izan ezkero zuzenean antolatzailearekin harremanetan jartzea gomendatzen dizugu.

1 Iritzia Iritziak ikusi

Iritzia balioztatuta2021/02/15 egunean joan zen
Molt divertit!
És boníssim! Humoristes molt bons!



Perdidos in Translation

Xehetasunak ikusi
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