The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival - Thursday June 27th

The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival - Thursday June 27th

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The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival - Thursday June 27th

The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival - Thursday June 27th

Calabria 66 . C/Calàbria, 66, Baixos, Eixample, 08015 Barcelona. Ver mapa

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The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival ( features 3 x jam-packed nights of incredible improvised musical theatre and comedy by top local and international groups. Each night the elegant Calabria 66 theatre will be home to the festival’s program of unscripted storytelling through songs, scenes, rap, and even dance.

Line up for Thursday, June 27th:

And All That Snazz Showcase - Directed by Ali James

Join this mixed cast in a showcase performance after a full day of studying the art of dance and movement applied to improvised theater. Come and witness a story full of spectacular choreography and beautiful staging.

The Good, the Bad and the Funny - Dobrzy, Źli i Śmieszni (Poland)

Ready for a narrated hero’s journey? This long-form improvised musical features opposing forces of good and evil that often find themselves reconciled over the irresistible charm of the funny lyrics. It may be a fantastical tale of whimsical creatures defending their land or an intimate psychological struggle of a person standing up to their parents’ dreams.

Commiseration Cabaret - Featuring Festival Guests

Got problems? Wanna hear songs about 'em? In this special improvised cabaret performance, Ella Galt & and Joanna Kucharczyk spin your pet peeves, hangups and heartbreaks into sultry show-stopping musical numbers to make it all feel better. Perhaps your struggles will be magically solved through the miracle of music, or perhaps they'll only be made worse. Either way, your woes provide the material, and your hosts provide the jams.

In this special performance, festival guests Heather Urquhart & Ali James will be joining the pity party to riff and rhyme about all that's tough and bothersome!

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Organizado por

BIG Improv

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